
Elizabeth Naso
Department Head
(319) 558-3763

Mrs. Schmelzer's Schedule 2017-18

1st Term:
1st Hour: Intro to Ceramics
2nd Hour: Intro to Painting
3rd Hour: Intro to Painting
4th Hour: Prep
5th Hour: AP Studio
6th Hour: Foundations of Art
7th Hour: Foundations of Art

2nd Term:
1st Hour: Intro to Sculpture
2nd Hour: Intro to Ceramics
3rd Hour: Intro to Ceramics
4th Hour: Prep
5th Hour: AP Studio
6th Hour: Illustrator (Kirkwood Dual Credit)
7th Hour: Advanced Ceramics/Advanced Painting (Collaborative, Project Based Learning Course) 

Kristina Dvorak
(319) 558-1629

Mrs. Dvorak's Schedule 2017-18

1st Term:
1st Hour: Intro to Drawing
2nd Hour: Intro to Drawing
3rd Hour: AP Art History
4th Hour: Prep
5th Hour: Art Appreciation (Kirkwood Dual Credit)
6th Hour: Intro to Photography (Blended Course)
7th Hour: Intro to Photography (Blended Course)

2nd Term: 
1st Hour: Animation
2nd Hour: Foundations of Art
3rd Hour: AP Art History
4th Hour: Prep
5th Hour: Foundations of Art
6th Hour: Digital Imaging (Photoshop, Kirkwood Dual Credit)
7th Hour: Advanced Photo/Advanced Drawing (Collaborative, Project Based Learning Course) 

Link to Course Descriptions Art offerings start on page 61.